Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The saga entitled 'Frustrations of the NHS'

After a long, much needed break, the anticipation of settling back into work brought about feelings of hope, creative longing and dare I say it, an element of fun. Of course all of this was before the saga of the NHS. Particularly naming the Royal Gwent for showing its complete lack of competence, it even seemed knowing which department deals with diagnosing the Autistic spectrum in children was too much of a challenge. So after much passing from one department to another, I finally end up on the phone with the pediatrics department, with a secretary who actually knew nothing of the information I was after. Now normally I'd smile and nod and put it down to, well lets face it - the NHS, but something else struck me whilst having a very nice but pointless chat with this woman on the other end.
Going through the rigour of details, and what we were trying to do, up cropped I was a student, of course why wouldn't it, but when she asked me what course this was in aid of, my response that it was Computer games design caused what can only be described as the black hole of pause response from her end. Not only from that point in the conversation did I feel that I slightly bemused this person, but the question shortly following, well how would this help a game? Left me with a slightly bitter taste in my mouth. Exasperated, I gave the rest of what I viewed necessary details, and with a promise that she would speak to someone about 'my project', I hung up the phone.
Now a week on and with no surprise that I haven't been contacted, Im left wondering at what point the conversation took a sudden dive, was it the fact it was a game that we were trying to develop? I'm In no disillusion that a game is not seen as a valid academical project in many circles, but the quick disregard of a possible new technology, to make children's/adults and even the therapists life that little bit easier, has had me thinking just how to get around this stigma that all games are no doubt bad for you and make you go blind.

Whilst I ponder this I think its time to ring the Royal Gwent again, maybe I'll get the same receptionist, ah the joys of game development.